Tuesday is not normally very exciting. It isn't Friday, the day that signals the end of the work week, the start of the weekend and two days off of work for most; it isn't Wednesday, Hump day as some call it and the day that signals the halfway point of the work week; but Tuesday is a very celebrated day in my life. Why? Because there is a little restaurant near my office that sells some delicious red red and fried plantain and that meal is sold on, you guessed it, Tuesdays! I discovered this red red and plantain sometime in March and it has become my weekly Tuesday lunch. It may also be the cause of my ever increasing waist line. I'm not going to let that little fact, well maybe not so little, more like chubby fact, separate me from my favorite meal. I'm off to enjoy . . . . . . . .
and maybe I will take a long walk tonight.
Can you show us a picture of this meal? What is red red? It sounds delicious.